The different contaminants in water and how Berkey purifiers eliminate them.

Water is essential to our lives, but unfortunately it can contain many contaminants that can damage our health. Common contaminants in water include bacteria, viruses, chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides and hormones. That's why it's essential to filter water before drinking it or using it for cooking or watering plants.

Berkey filters are a practical and effective solution for removing contaminants from water.

Berkey filters feature a multi-stage filtration system that uses ceramic and activated carbon filter elements to remove a wide variety of contaminants. They are also easy to install and use, making them an ideal option for homes, offices, travellers and campers.

Berkey filters can remove up to 99.9999% of bacteria and viruses, including cholera, typhoid and hepatitis A. They can also remove chemicals such as chlorine, pesticides and herbicides, as well as heavy metals such as lead, mercury and aluminium. Berkey filters are also able to reduce fluoride levels in water, which is important for people who live in areas where drinking water is fluoridated. You can see the full list and test results on our test results page.

As well as protecting your health, using a Berkey filter can also have environmental benefits by reducing your consumption of plastic water bottles. Berkey filters are also economical, as they can filter thousands of litres of water before needing to be replaced.

In conclusion, Berkey filters are a practical, effective and economical solution for removing contaminants from water and protecting your health. They are ideal for home, business and travel use, and can filter out a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, chemicals and heavy metals. With a Berkey filter, you can be sure that the water you drink is pure and healthy, with no contaminants harmful to your health.